You can now see here Video Movie Clips of the videos of some of our presentations.
These presentations are professionally edited and the viewing quality of these movies ---  including texture, depth, resolution and sound are excellent.
We have 2 clips so far, each is about 90 seconds in length.

1)  These clips are in a format called "MPEG-4".  To see these clips
you must have a "movie player" program called Quicktime, version 5 or 6.
If you do not have Quicktime on your system, you can download it for free at:

This is a 500K file and you can get it for a Windows or MAC operating system
Once you download Quicktime, then Install it

2)   Then, to see Joey Korn, starring in "Working With The Light"
click:     Joey's Movie

 To see Dr. Sabina DeVita starring in "ElectroMagnetic Pollution"
click:   Sabina's Movie

 (Some people with PC systems are reporting Error messages. Try to click on "OK" and 'move past' the error)

To order your copy of these movies go to: